One-to-one tuition | Safe & caring environment | Dedicated Professionals | Expert Tuition

Rachel's Training Academy - Home tuition,Southend on sea, Essex

Rachel's Training Academy - Home tuition, Southend on sea, Essex

T: (01702) 614468 or 07804 755 390

Home Tuition with Rachel’s Training Academy

The Academy, which is based in Southend-on-Sea, holds fast to one unassailable principle: that every child matters and that none is beyond help and understanding.

As Tony explains: "During my ten years of conventional classroom teaching I came to realise that there were significant gaps in the teaching methods used by many schools. After mulling this over for a while, I set out to devise a one-to-one programme which was tentatively piloted during weekends with only a few students to begin with. In a relatively short space of time, aided by the students' own feedback and some fine tuning of the original programme, a number of very successful outcomes were chalked up.

"Word soon got around, of course, and it quickly became apparent that the service I offered was in far greater demand than I could ever have imagined."

From such small beginnings the Rachel Training Academy went from strength to strength. Since its foundation it has successfully helped over 400 students to attain their desired educational goals and has achieved an overall pass rate of 98% in all recognised aspects of the National Qualifications Framework (NDF).

One-to-one tuition with the Rachel Training Academy allows each pupil to learn within a safe and caring environment, and to reap the benefits of expert teaching by fully qualified and dedicated professionals.

With a portfolio of initial teacher training qualifications accredited by Greenwich University, Tony undertook further studies while pursuing his career, eventually achieving degrees in English and The Humanities; currently, his specialised subjects are English and Mathematics. The CCRS (Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies) and TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) are amongst the other qualifications he holds.

The reasons why some children might need or would further benefit from home tuition are varied and are not the Academy's principal concern - they will be best known to the child's parents. The important thing is that the Academy plays its part in discussing the pupil's needs with the parents in order to gauge feasibility in certain key areas; for example, ability, potential, motivation, commitment and interest. Once these have been factored in, a suitable programme can be structured to achieve the best possible outcome within a realistic timeframe.

If you as a parent have concerns about your child's lack of progress in the school environment, the advice from Tony is straightforward: "Don't leave it too late! Take the necessary steps to turn the situation round. With the Academy's help it is perfectly possible to do so, as our record shows. Remember: it's your child's future that's at stake - what could be more important?"

Student Tutoring Southend


Hi Tony
Thank you so much for the help and time you had placed in teaching my Son. He got the points necessary to go to the school he wanted. He is so happy Thank you.’

K W 2012

I got my GCSE results today and recieved 4 A's and 1 A* and a C And recieved a place at Southend High School For Girls.

Imram 2011